Séminaire MyQM
Orateur: Frédéric Devroye (co-founder MyQM)
Langue de la présentation: néerlandais
21/11/2019 (14h15 – 15h00) – salle Jupiter-Uranus
Manage the quality of your customer service. A child’s play.
MyQM is the leading Quality Monitoring specialist, helping organizations with the human aspect of team management with a strong focus on quality. MyQM, a Belgian organization with a vast experience in contact centers, provides solutions in 12 countries in multiple languages. In Europe, several credit management centers are using MyQM applications to improve their collection ratio by targeted coaching.
The collaboration with MyForce, specialized in speech technology for contact centers, allows MyQM to expand its portfolio with AI solutions. Automated agent support, compliance analytics, or even emotion analytics are available. This allows for broader agent support both during the actual conversation or afterwards during coaching and training sessions.
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